In today’s exhilarating contest at the Salem Armory Auditorium, the Seattle SuperHawks secured a robust 114-103 victory over the Salem Capitals.

The SuperHawks’ Naz Carter was exceptional, netting 29 points with a sterling 73.3% from the field. His teammate, Roman Wilson, dazzled with 14 points, 22 rebounds, and 2 blocks, earning him the Seattle SuperHawks Player of the Game Award.

Despite missing their captain Emeche Wells due to injury, Seattle’s depth shone through, with multiple players (Jenkins, Tisdale, and George) hitting double figures in scoring.

On the opposing side, Preston “Swaggy P” Whitfield stood out for Salem, dropping 32 points with commendable precision.

The SuperHawks’ superior shooting efficiency and dominant rebounding were pivotal in their late-game surge to seal the win. For more insights and detailed statistics, you can explore the official game stats here.